My solution was to get a brochure and with it, a travel agent. Nancy at Freedom Australia proved to know all kinds of useful stuff, including the way to get cheaper internal travel by doing the long haul on QANTAS. As Australia’s premier airline has a superb safety record

So I took a map of Australia, and began to plan a route. Nancy’s helpful brochure indicated that Perth, my original starting point, had a temperature on average of 32 degrees in February, so I thought I’d start further south – that is, nearer the Pole! – and go to Adelaide. With my trusty 2010 diary, I worked out I could go round the South-East corner of this huge continent and visit a different Quaker Meeting each Sunday for five weeks.
Australian Quakers publish an invaluable handbook (with a lovely cartoon on the front) called the Australian Directory for Travelling Friends, with details of places for travelling Quakers to stay, and through this I found I could also have short midweek stays in Geelong (between Adelaide and Melbourne) and Newcastle

So with a few hiccups and lurches, the plan was in place. I’d been thinking of rail travel for some journeys (see my other Blog, ‘A Greenish Woman’s diary’) but the distances and travel times, not the mention the cost, in the end looked prohibitive. So apart from the first internal journey, from Adelaide to Geelong, and the two short journeys from Geelong to Melbourne and from Sydney to Newcastle, it’s fly fly fly all the way. So that’s all booked. All I have to do now is confirm arrangements with various hosts, sort out staying in Sydney Meeting House, and keep myself fit and well for the next two weeks. I’ve not done too well on this last, having fallen off my bicycle last Monday, with consequences that have only just become apparent and which include finding my left knee in a lot of pain and unable to function properly. Silly me: I should have realised I was trying to cycle on ice! But hopefully it will all be at least well on the mend by Tuesday fortnight, and I’ll be ready for the off.