Saturday was a quiet day: my host Christine had engagements early morning and from mid afternoon onwards. So we went out at about 12, initially to the Quaker Shop, an enterprising charity shop which Chris used to run and which is now run by Topsy Evans, who is my next host. We called there briefly, but long enough for me to buy a blue bead necklace, something I've been wanting for ages. Then we went to the National Wine Museum: on one exhibit you could play the winemaker, and make all the vital decisions as to how to make your wine: then it told you how good yours was. I chose to make a riesling, and ended up creating a Gold quality prizewinner. Maybe I should think of taking this up....
We had a sandwich lunch at the museum, very pleasant in the open air, and walked back to the car through the Botanic Gardens. Christine was pleased to see these little red Sturt's Desert Peas: apparently they are very common in the drier parts further north, but she'd not seen them here before. We also passed an ancient tree trunk of a Red Gum, some 1500 years old or more.
Then back home, where I rested while Christine got ready and then went out to her function, a reunion of a group who had visited Japan together some years ago. I had quite a time for myself, which was good: I was able to rest,
write, check my talks, play the piano and help myself to a few bits to eat. I've been eating so much since leaving Heathrow, it was good to have a day when I didn't eat much: after a sandwich lunch (half a filled baguette each) I still didn't want a lot, and settled for new bread (I took it out of the breadmaker, half an hour earlier) and some soft blue cheese, and some pieces of fruit. More than adequate: we all eat far more than we need.
Christine's husband Norman arrived home from a trip to Melbourne before she did, so we introduced ourselves and had a bite together. He had some immediate homework to do, though, so I continued to read quietly until Christine got back, quite late: by then I was ready for an early night.
Sunday morning saw me finishing my packing before breakfast and then going to the Eastern Suburbs Meeting. Only eight people: three more were in hospital and three visiting another project that morning, and others away for other reasons. A pleasant Meeting all the same: I felt led to speak about the importance of Being as well as of doing, and the continual challenge of seeing, in the Light, how we need to change.
After Meeting we went back home to collect my luggage and take me off to Topsy's house, where she was laying on a barbeque for all the volunteers who worked at the Quaker shop that we visited yesterday. This was great fun: party animal
Sarah enjoyed herself a good deal! I had a snooze, though, when the guests were finally gone, after which we chatted and had a supper of leftovers. Topsy is definitely a morning person and goes to bed early, so I did too, giving me a nice long time to write up this and to read a little before sleep.
We had a sandwich lunch at the museum, very pleasant in the open air, and walked back to the car through the Botanic Gardens. Christine was pleased to see these little red Sturt's Desert Peas: apparently they are very common in the drier parts further north, but she'd not seen them here before. We also passed an ancient tree trunk of a Red Gum, some 1500 years old or more.
Then back home, where I rested while Christine got ready and then went out to her function, a reunion of a group who had visited Japan together some years ago. I had quite a time for myself, which was good: I was able to rest,
Christine's husband Norman arrived home from a trip to Melbourne before she did, so we introduced ourselves and had a bite together. He had some immediate homework to do, though, so I continued to read quietly until Christine got back, quite late: by then I was ready for an early night.
Sunday morning saw me finishing my packing before breakfast and then going to the Eastern Suburbs Meeting. Only eight people: three more were in hospital and three visiting another project that morning, and others away for other reasons. A pleasant Meeting all the same: I felt led to speak about the importance of Being as well as of doing, and the continual challenge of seeing, in the Light, how we need to change.
After Meeting we went back home to collect my luggage and take me off to Topsy's house, where she was laying on a barbeque for all the volunteers who worked at the Quaker shop that we visited yesterday. This was great fun: party animal
Sarah enjoyed herself a good deal! I had a snooze, though, when the guests were finally gone, after which we chatted and had a supper of leftovers. Topsy is definitely a morning person and goes to bed early, so I did too, giving me a nice long time to write up this and to read a little before sleep.
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